All I can say is that this has given me Strength when I was Weak. As an older woman at times you can become intimidated. NO matter what you have done in your life previously. This STEP INTO YOUR POWER. And the affirmation card has brought me back to when I was a 30-year-old and Nothing would stand in my way. If you should become Scared, Lonely, or Lost. Possibly Brain Fog definitely use STEP INTO YOUR POWER!! It is with gratitude that I discovered Queen and all of her amazing potions, readings, and stones. Remember. With LOVE AND LIGHT everything will be all right. This works!
Received this oil as give w purchase! I’ve been using it daily ever since I got it. I used it more on the day I had to head in for an in person interview. It gives me confidence and courage. I also used it when I needed more strength to confront something… as with any product, it takes time and practice. This product needs to be used daily for its full effect. I think it’s best right after a shower and a little goes a long way. Will definitely keep using daily as a confidence and emotional booster. Honestly I think this product has gotten me through the last week which was extremely rough on me. I noticed i was more vocal and would say things I normally wouldn’t say.